Текст 13

শুনি’ শচী–মিশ্রের দুঃখী হৈল মন ।
তবে প্রভু মাতা–পিতার কৈল আশ্বাসন ॥ ১৩ ॥
ш́уни’ ш́ачӣ-миш́рера дух̣кхӣ хаила мана
табе прабху ма̄та̄-пита̄ра каила а̄ш́ва̄сана
ш́уни’ — услышав об этом; ш́ачӣ — Шачи; миш́рера — и Джаганнатхи Мишры; дух̣кхӣ — несчастными; хаила — стали; мана — умы; табе — тогда; прабху — Господь Чайтанья Махапрабху; ма̄та̄ — родителей; каила — делал; а̄ш́ва̄сана — успокоение.


Узнав об уходе старшего сына, Вишварупы, Шачимата и Джаганнатха Мишра очень расстроились, но Господь Чайтанья постарался утешить их.


Следующие материалы:

Текст 14

ভাল হৈল,—বিশ্বরূপ সন্ন্যাস করিল ।
পিতৃকুল, মাতৃকুল,—দুই উদ্ধারিল ॥ ১৪ ॥
bhāla haila, — viśvarūpa sannyāsa karila
pitṛ-kula, mātṛ-kula, — dui uddhārila
bhāla — it is very good; viśvarūpa — Viśvarūpa; sannyāsa — the renounced order of life; karila — has accepted; pitṛ — father’s family; mātṛ — mother’s family; dui — both of them; uddhārila — delivered.


“My dear mother and father,” the Lord said, “it is very good that Viśvarūpa has accepted the sannyāsa order, for thus He has delivered both His father’s family and His mother’s family.”


It is sometimes said that Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu disapproved of the acceptance of the sannyāsa order in this Kali-yuga because in the śāstra it is said:
aśvamedhaṁ gavālambhaṁsannyāsaṁ pala-paitṛkam
devareṇa sutotpattiṁ
kalau pañca vivarjayet
“In this Age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, the offering of a cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyāsa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man’s begetting children in his brother’s wife.” (Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa-janma-khaṇḍa 185.180)
Nevertheless, we see that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu Himself accepted sannyāsa and approved of the sannyāsa of His elder brother, Viśvarūpa. It is clearly said here, bhāla haila, — viśvarūpa sannyāsa karila/ pitṛ-kula, mātṛ-kula, — dui uddhārila. Therefore, should it be thought that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu made statements that are contradictory? No, actually He did not. It is recommended that one accept sannyāsa to dedicate his life for the service of the Lord, and everyone must take that kind of sannyāsa, for by accepting such sannyāsa one renders the best service to both his paternal and maternal families. But one should not accept the sannyāsa order of the Māyāvāda school, which has practically no meaning. We find many Māyāvādī sannyāsīs simply loitering in the street thinking themselves Brahman or Nārāyaṇa and spending all day and night begging so they can fill their hungry bellies. Māyāvādī sannyāsīs have become so degraded that there is a section of them who eat everything, just like hogs and dogs. It is such degraded sannyāsa that is prohibited in this age. Actually, Śrīla Śaṅkarācārya’s principles for the acceptance of sannyāsa were very strict, but later the so-called Māyāvādī sannyāsīs became degraded because of their false philosophy, which propounds that by accepting sannyāsa one becomes Nārāyaṇa. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu rejected that kind of sannyāsa. But the acceptance of sannyāsa is one of the items of the varṇāśrama-dharma. How then can it be rejected?

Текст 15

আমি ত’ করিব তোমা’ দুঁহার সেবন ।
শুনিয়া সন্তুষ্ট হৈল পিতা–মাতার মন ॥ ১৫ ॥
а̄ми та’ кариба тома̄’ дун̇ха̄ра севана
ш́унийа̄ сантушт̣а хаила пита̄-ма̄та̄ра мана
а̄ми — Я; кариба — буду; тома̄’ — вам; дун̇ха̄ра — обоим; севана — служить; ш́унийа̄ — услышав это; сантушт̣а — довольны; хаила — стали; пита̄ — родительские сердца.


Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху заверил родителей, что будет служить им, чем порадовал сердца отца и матери.

